
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Campus Outreach pt. 3

Well, last Sunday (July 3, 2011), a friend and I went to the Campus Outreach rally at their hotel. The night was amazing! We arrived shortly after 7:00 and left around 11:30!

The first group (the first to tour Wycliffe as well) had their rally, which consisted of a skit, a teaching, and worship--it was great! At the end, the speaker announced that I was there to hand out the welcome letters to those who had signed up for BPPP. I spent the next 30-40 minutes talking to students and watching all 75 of them open their envelopes eagerly and read the letter with huge smiles on their faces. I was once again brought to tears at how God has allowed me to be part of something so great!

The second group was slightly (okay, vastly) different! They began to trickle into the room "prepared for war" with the most ridiculous costumes (you know, the kind only college students can make with stuff like tin foil, belts, bandanas, sharpies, etc.)! Loud rap and hip hop music played as they gathered. The program began with a dramatic introduction and a couple silly ice-breaker activities. Then came a teaching by a former Campus Outreach student--I was so encouraged! After that, the group leader unexpectedly asked me to go on stage and share about the Bibleless Peoples Prayer Project with the 120+ who had gathered that night! After I gave my spiel, there was an allotted time for the students and staff to journal. During the ensuing fifteen minutes of journaling, 75 more students committed to praying for Bibleless People groups! Brought to tears twice in one night as people passed their sign-up cards to the end of their aisle and one-by-one I collected 75 commitments that will further the Kingdom of God through the Power of Prayer!!

The night ended for us with another time of worship. This particular session really touched my heart. Everyone was unashamedly worshipping their God and King and Savior and Friend and Father! The last song sung was "In Christ Alone," a personal favorite. Half way through the song, I stopped singing and listened to the group of 120+ students pour their heart out to the Lord and confess their need for Him, acknowledging that it is in Christ alone we live! Something must be wrong with my tear-ducts, because there is no way that this guy cried three times in one night. Seriously, though, God blessed me beyond explanation--gave me joy unspeakable!--that night.

I love my job.

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