
Monday, June 20, 2011

Newsletter June 2011

Wycliffe Bible Translators --
Bibleless Peoples Prayer Project


Wycliffe was founded in 1942 by William
Cameron Townsend. A missionary to the
Cakchiquel Indians of Guatemala,
Townsend caught the vision for translation
after Cakchiquel-speaking men expressed
their concern and surprise that God did not
speak their language.

Townsend resolved that every man,
woman and child should be able to read
God’s Word in their own language.
Borrowing the name of the Reformation
hero, John Wycliffe, who first translated the
Bible into English, Townsend founded
"Camp Wycliffe" in 1934 as a linguistics
training school. By 1942, "Camp Wycliffe"
had grown into two affiliate organizations,
Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer
Institute of Linguistics (SIL).

Today, SIL and Wycliffe Bible
Translators work together to translate
Scripture, train field personnel and promote
interest in translation. More than 700
translations have been completed, and
hundreds more are in the process. With
God’s provision, Townsend’s vision will be

~Taken from


This summer, I am working in Wycliffe
USA’s Prayer Ministries Department.
Prayer is the backbone of Missions.
Without intercession, nothing could be
completed. I am honored and humbled to
be working in such an important and
amazing department. The Prayer
Department of Wycliffe USA runs several
ministries. All of these ministries are

designed to allow the general public to assist
in the Bible Translation mission. One such
ministry is the Bibleless Peoples Prayer
Project--in which I will be assisting. BPPP is
a ministry to promote prayer
for people groups around the
world that do not currently
have a translation of the Bible
in their own language. There
are 2,078 language groups that
are still in need of translation.
There are currently 12,864
people committed to praying
for one of these language
groups until a translation is
begun in their language. Some
people pray for twenty years,
some for a few weeks, before a translation is
begun. You can easily become a part of this
team of Prayer Warriors by contacting me
or visiting online.


The vision of Wycliffe is to see a translation
in every language still needing one
by the year 2025. This is an impossible
goal--for man. But nothing is impossible
with God! Through prayer, this goal is
reachable. In the next 14 years, there will be
no language on this earth without a
translation project in progress. This is
particularly incredible due to the fact that
most Christians believe that the translation
work is already completed! However, it is
not, and there is much more work to be
done. Your prayers are needed, appreciated,
and effective!

Please contact me at
any time if you are
interested in
committing to pray
for a Bibleless
People Group. This
is such an incredibly
important part of
the Bible
Translation goal!
And you can play a
part through your


The first week we spent here in Orlando, we didn’t do much
“work.” In fact, we didn’t have the chance to see our offices
or tour the Headquarters until Friday the 10th. However, we
had several classes informing us of the purpose of Wycliffe,
how it works with other organizations, the progress it is
making, and the goals it is well on its way to accomplishing.

We partook in various team-building activities, had
Bible studies, worship, meals, and began the formation of
great friendships with interns and staff alike. The group of
interns and the Internship staff spent a day at Disney
Hollywood Studios and Epcot enjoying company and
establishing community before diving into business.


Speaking of establishing
community, one of my various
roles this Summer is coordinating
and designing activities to ensure
community development within
the internship program. Whether
planning trips to watch the final
Shuttle Launch or making sure
that we spend as much time as is
necessary encouraging one
another, spending time together in
God’s Word, and basking together
in the Glory of His Presence in times of worship and prayer.


I work in the Prayer Ministries Department at Wycliffe
USA’s headquarters in Orlando, FL. My position is Assistant
of the Bibleless Peoples Prayer Project. It is difficult to
explain exactly what my job is, but it consists of the
following (in no particular order): folding sign-up cards;
writing e-mails and letters to prayer partners, encouraging
them to continue praying; updating prayer partners on any
news regarding the people group they are praying for;
establishing communications between missionaries on the
field and those praying for them; reading missionary
newsletters, praying for their needs, and replying with
encouragement; researching countries, people groups, and
language areas; entering and updating information in our

My desk in the Prayer Ministries Department
extensive databases; and whatever else may be needed
administratively, secretarially, etc. I love every moment I
spend in the office!

WHAT’S NEXT? (See post: "That's How the Story Goes..."

Friday, June 17, 2011: I have fallen so much in love with the
vision of Wycliffe and it so closely matches my heart for the
Bibleless People that I decided on Friday to take the next
step in my journey. This upcoming Tuesday (June 21) I will
be having lunch with a local recruiter to start my
Membership application. This could mean a number of
things, but my hope and limited vision is to join a Language
Survey Team.

Surveyors are the “Marines” of
the Translation process. They are
the first on the field (often 10-20
years before any translator goes).
Their job is to, well, survey specific
language areas, taking notice of
every detail about the people’s
culture, language, and land. It is a
preliminary assessment of a
language, giving future translators
the information they need to train
and prepare for translation. I
would love to do this in the
Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, but
the Lord only knows where I will be going!


In Wycliffe, there are three people who serve: Paid Staff,
Volunteers, and Members. The first two are self-descriptive.
Members raise support: missionaries working from the
United States. A Member builds a team of supporters. This
process is referred to in Wycliffe as Partnership
Development. It is one of the most important aspects of
being a missionary. The next page will describe how you can
become part of my Partnership team!


Praise God for safe travels for
all of the interns--they come
from New Jersey, Arkansas,
Alabama, Kansas, Massachusetts,
and Pennsylvania.

I thank Him for a wonderful
job! I honestly believe that I am
in the perfect place for this part
of my life and I could not be

For the passionate vision God has
given me to see the Word of God
translated into the heart
languages of the people of this
world, I praise His name!


Personally, I still have $1000 to
raise before the end of the
semester. Please contact me to
ask how you can help!

As a group, the interns need to
raise a little over $8000--pray for

We could use food, household
cleaning supplies, coupons, gas
cards, etc.

I could use dress shirts, slacks,
and brown and black dress shoes
for office work.


Pray that I would raise the
remainder of my needed

As I begin the long process of
applying for Membership, ask
God to guide each step and to
give me patience.

I have undertaken (by choice) the
responsibilities of cooking for the
interns and shopping for the
men’s intern house. I am also the
financial supervisor of the men’s
allotted petty cash--I keep track
of every dollar spent and turn in
a report and any leftover cash at
the end of each week. Pray that
God gives me rest and energy.

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